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Huasheng: Zhang Yixi Portrayal

Huasheng is the sister of Huashengxiang. She has always been protective of her sister, even to the point of murder. In the end, it was a mistake by Su Yuehua that led to Huasheng's death.

Zhu Zhanji: Wang Chuanren Portrayal

Zhu Zhanji is an important character in "Shang Shi". He is the son of Zhu Di and the father of Zhu Houcong. Although he does not appear frequently in the play, his influence on other characters is considerable.

Xu Ke and Wu Jinling as Main Actors

The two actors have made significant contributions to their respective roles in "Shang Shi". Xu Ke's portrayal of Xu Kai has won praise from audiences for his nuanced performance. Wu Jinling's portrayal of Wu Jingyan has also been praised for her ability to convey complex emotions through subtle facial expressions.


"Shang Shi" may not be a blockbuster series, but its palace scenes are still very interesting. The four characters mentioned above are just a few examples of how well-acted they were despite being punished early on. They left a deep impression on viewers and added richness to the storylines they were involved in.



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